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[Completed] Server Maintenance - 2025-01-13

[Completed] Server Maintenance - 2025-01-13

January 13, 2025

Hello, We are scheduling some maintenance to deploy a few fixes, primarily for the issue where some players are getting stuck at "waiting" after selecting their characters. Start Time: 11:45am EST (16:45pm GMT) End Time: 12:00pm EST (17:00pm GMT)

Patch Notes - 2024-12-14 (12 Days of Christmas)

Patch Notes - 2024-12-14 (12 Days of Christmas)

December 15, 2024

Hello all, We are pushing a quick and small update to enhance the 12 days of Christmas event and adjust exp nullifiers. For more updates please see the full post here:

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Red Rose ROSE Online

There are various tales, fantasies, and legends around the seven planets and many of them contain some grain of truth. Our universe, or as it was called in the old tales, the 'Sea of Souls', was a vast ocean of darkness until the goddess Arua created the seven planets. Each one of them was special and unique. However, all seven planets were created with Arua's love and they shined with the brilliance of seven stars, filling the vast ocean of darkness with wondrous light and life.

However, Hebarn, god of malice, grew envious of Arua for her creative power.
He forcefully took the seventh planet and pompously named it after himself. Hebarn had become a constant threat to the peace of the seven planets as well as to the goddess Arua.
To protect the planets from Hebarn's looming menace, Arua created the Visitors, living beings to protect and inhabit the planets. They were scattered among the seven planets to bring peace and justice to the different worlds.