Patch Notes - 2024-09-09

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Patch Notes - 2024-09-09
September 09, 2024

Hello all!

Today we're rolling out a small patch to fix some current issues in the game while we continue to work on more content updates. Thanks!

IMPORTANT! If you are having issues with your client crashing after this patch please install the latest Microsoft vcredist available here:


  • Misc
    • Fixed a bug causing camera smoothing to drop to 0 when riding a cart
    • Fixed a bug where players would respawn at the wrong location when exiting a dungeon as a cart passenger.
      • Players are supposed to respawn in the same place that they were when entering a dungeon. However, cart passengers were incorrectly respawning at the location where the driver entered the dungeon. Now driver and passenger will respawn independently at their correct locations
    • Game Arena
      • Disabled fairies in PvP game arenas
    • Quest
      • Updated Lampa quest to give 5 jellybeans or 5 pumpkins instead of just 1
    • Items
      • Fixed Dread Sword so it can be used with any type of offhand item.
      • Fixed gem effects on the following items:
        • Pen
        • Pencil
        • Crayon
        • Brush
        • Ruler
        • Scissors
        • Black Pirate Hook
        • Gold Pirate Hook
        • Gray Pirate Hook
        • Green Pirate Hook
        • Purple Pirate Hook
        • ROSE Pennant
        • Junon Order Pennant
        • Arumic Pennant
        • Righteous Crusader Pennant
        • Ferrel Guild Pennant
        • Pitchfork
        • Wildflower
        • Ankh
        • Vampire Amulet
        • Meatbone
        • Wicked Wand
        • Severed Limb
        • Fairy Dust
        • Tea Cup
        • Basket of Cookies
        • Red Apple
        • Love Story Rose